Jenni Wallo

Jenni Wallo's Fundraiser

We can Accelerate Research For A Cure! image

We can Accelerate Research For A Cure!

Join me and help make a difference, please donate today.


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Lets find a cure of Celiac disease together!

I care about celiac disease because... of my son Levi Wallo. We found out his Autoanitbody screening for Celiac disease was positive on his 3rd birthday. On Oct. 10th 2017 he had an endoscopy w/ biopsy done with Dr. Telega at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. A couple of days later they confirmed that he did have Celiac disease. He is now on a strict gluten-free diet and we have been blessed on seeing an improvement!

Celiac disease is a genetic auto-immune disease not a food allergy! When gluten is ingested, the the body attacks itself and makes people incredibly sick. With this disease, people are at risk for malnourishment, foggy brain, fertility issues and cancer.

Did you know 1 in 133 people have celiac disease, and if a first relative has it your odds are then 1 in 10?

Unfortunately, a gluten-free diet is not always the answer. While some people have improvement in their health after omitting gluten a 1/3 of people with celiac are still sick after going gluten-free. Cross contamination is a huge problem.

Beyond Celiac is leading the charge for a cure. Their leadership in the field has lead to partnerships with pharma and biomedical organizations working fervently to develop treatment options.